Self-Managed Security Operations

Get started for free without any upfront investment - all platform features are available to your organization Immediately.

Get access to all Security Operations tools under a single license, and launch your security operations capabilities today.

Your Own Security Operations infrastructure with a comprehensive suite of threat detection and incident technology in a single license.

You can leverage our hosted SaaS deployment - The platform can be tightly integrated into your operational processes, from customer onboarding to incident response.

With our Security Operations infrastructure, you will have an integrated, comprehensive suite of threat detection and incident technology under a single license.

Compromise Assessment

Leverage our Sec-Ops platform to get forensic-like review of your environment over an extended period of time.

Customer Portal

Leverage our Customer Portal for customer-facing reporting, security posture management and compliance metrics.

Find Anomalies Over Time

We inspect your environment over an extended period of time, revealing any dormant malware or covert threat actors.

Manage SOC Workflow

Leverage our built-in SOC workflow management to develop custom alerting, triaging, escalation and incident response procedures.

In-depth Detections and Analytics

Detect advanced adversary tactics and techniques, including:

  • Lateral movement
  • Command & Control traffic
  • Backdoors and tunnels
  • Malware and botnet connections
  • Internal port scanning and reconnaissance
  • Password brute forcing
  • Unauthorized remote access tools
  • Rogue­ devices

Conduct Forensic Analysis


Use network evidence to detect hidden and unknown hacker activity, including zero-day attacks, lateral movement, insider threats, and impersonation attacks.


NDR brings full forensic investigation capability into your environment for advanced investigations and evidence collection. Retain as much data as you need to provide complete assurance to your business


Our network sensors are placed in strategic locations within your enterprise to monitor and detect any signs of compromise. This includes detecting communication with malware command and control servers, unauthorized remote access attempts, data exfiltration, and malicious reconnaissance.


Our endpoint analysis employs endpoint agents to monitor and detect potential attacker activity, such as malware usage and other malicious techniques. We cover a broad range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, supporting both on-premises and cloud-based deployment options.

All data is integrated into our SecOps platform where threats are detected, and blocked on the network perimeter and within the network in real time.